What is Global aphasia?

Global aphasia is a language disorder that can happen when a large area of the left hemisphere of the brain is damaged from a stroke or brain injury. Persons with global aphasia are typically (but not always) severely physically affected by the stroke. Since the motor center to speak is also located in this large area of the brain, they may also have severe apraxia of speech.

These exercises are designed to target specific processes that begin at their current skill level, building on existing strengths. To get the fastest results, we recommend that learners with aphasia work independently after they get started.

Global aphasia severely affects the ability to speak, write, read and understand information. It’s the most severe form of aphasia, but the diagnosis can resolve into another type of aphasia over time or remain Global aphasia. Some language skills may be slightly better than others. For example, a person with Global aphasia may understand what’s said to them a little better than they can speak.

Speech: The person with Global aphasia may not speak at all, or they may say the same phrases or words over and over again with different intonation. For example, they may only say “it’s better than that” and a few words of ‘automatic speech’. Apraxia of speech, if present, also makes repeating or speaking purposefully more difficult.

Writing: Writing will be severely affected in the dominant (right) hand. Even when learning to write with a non-dominant hand, forming letters may be difficult. They may use their entire arm to write instead of moving their wrists or fingers. They need to begin by copying words or single letters.

Reading: They may recognize a few single words, but pairing photos with words or short sentences will help. The number of words and photos matched may start with 2 choices at a time.

Understanding: This skill is severely affected, but improves when speakers use gestures and speak slowly and concretely. Understanding in context is best and they may appear to understand more than they actually do. Persons with Global aphasia need a lot of support to understand structured or direct therapy tasks.

How Can My Aphasia Coach Software Help Global Aphasia?

Learners with Global aphasia can improve within each language system–recognizing words and matching sentences to photos, copying letters and functional words, naming objects or repeating words with a lot of support, understanding words and sentences and more!

These exercises are designed to target specific processes that begin at their current skill level, building on existing strengths. To get the fastest results, we recommend that learners with aphasia work independently after they get started.

Where Should I Start My Aphasia Coach?
Take the placement quiz to get recommendations.

You can also try these exercises:

Practice Action Choice
Choose the verb that matches the photo
Practice Picture Match Verbs
Choose photos for written actions
Noun Choice 1
Choose the defined word
Picture Match Nouns 1
Choose photos for written nouns

Practice Noun Pictures
Type picture names
Noun Pictures 1
Type picture names

Apraxia Video 1
1 syllable, 2 sounds
Apraxia Video 2
1 syllable, 3 sounds
Apraxia Video 3
1 syllable, blends
Repeating Nouns
Say the word you hear

Practice Picture Matching
Match the word to the picture
Practice Noun Choice
Choose the picture name
Verb Sentence Match 1
Match spoken sentence to photos

Not recommended.

Global aphasia can improve, even years after a stroke or brain injury. There is no plateau or 6-month time limit–you can always make progress. The best results occur when you practice My Aphasia Coach for at least 30 minutes a day.
Phasic Software, LLC
6830 Central Ave, STE A
St. Petersburg, FL 33707
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